Why Does My Business Need A Mission Statement
November 18th, 2022
When creating a small business or updating your business website, it's common to overlook a few important key factors for your website. Such as the importance of having a strong mission statement for your business.
Mission statements create a strong foundation for your business. Essentially, your mission statement is a showcase of your business goals for your current and prospective customers. A mission statement is also a good way for businesses to be reminded and focus on what they have set out to do.
What Is A Mission Statement?
Essentially, a mission statement is a description of why your business exists. This can include your company's core values, ethics, fundamental goals, and essentially, your business “mission”. A mission statement cam be anywhere from a sentence to a page long, depending on how personable and descriptive you would like it to be.
What Does A Mission Statement Do?
A mission statement gives your business a face and not just a name. Your brand name or icon MAY build trust; however, a potential customer is more likely to trust your business when they can learn more about it, see the benefits of you vs. your competitors, and even see you or your employees' face.
Your mission statement has a dual effect on both your employees, and your customers. You can motivate your employees by encouraging innovative ways of moving towards your business goal which will help with productivity and the strive to achieve the goals set. A mission statement helps every employee feel involved in your business. Everyone plays a role in our success; we all get to the goals together.
Want to leave a great impression on your customer? Simply get a mission statement. Since customers are one of the most important stakeholders to your business, you will want to give them a clear picture of what your business is trying to achieve. When a mission statement is clearly written and properly crafted, it will highlight what your business does and what it will do for them. This could be a service, product, or support.
In conclusion, every business should have a mission statement. Mission statements matter. Typically they are displayed loud and proud for large businesses or corporations. However, what about a small business? They need business statements, too. Contact us today to learn more about mission statements and how they can help you improve your business.