What Is Drip Marketing Plus Examples

March 17th, 2023

Do you wish that there was a way to save time and money? Well, there is. Drip marketing campaigns. They are fully automated and fully responsive to actions. Want to learn more? Keep reading! 

What Is It?

Drip Marketing is a method of communication that sends or “drips” a pre-written set of messages to current or potential customers over time. These emails are typically done automatically and start to send after your business has received a way of contact information. Typically, your business receives the contact information after they take an action to submit it somewhere on your website. There are typically 2-5 emails sent per campaign. 

Whats Drip Mkt

Drip Marketing typically starts in one of two ways.

1. The message follows a predetermined course of action.
2. The messages are dripped as a result of the behavior or status of the recipient.

 • Once a recipient has given their personal contact information in any way on your website, they will be enrolled and your drip marketing campaigns will happen automatically. 

Different Ways To Drip Market

There are many ways to gain information from potential customers. 
The most common ways that you have probably experienced drip marketing is through email, direct mail, and even social media. 
Some of the most common methods that businesses use to gain your contact information are through:
    • Placing an order through your website
    • Signing up for a rewards account
    • Signing up for email notifications
    • Register for a virtual event that your business is holding
    • Registering for a white paper, blog, or template
    • Engaging with customer service

However, drip campaigns don’t stop there. Drip campaigns are also used to reach out to your customers on specified dates. These events include:

    • Welcome messages
    • Order and shipping notifications 
    • Subscription renewal 
    • Reordering prompts 
    • Special occasions such as Birthdays, Anniversaries, and other special events

Drip Marketing Chart

What Are The Benefits?

Now that we know what drip marketing is and how it happens, let’s take a look at the most common benefits of drip marketing. 
Drip marketing can help your business boost sales. This happens by turning website visitors into customers, increasing repeat customers or purchases, and re-engaging your current customers. 
This happens through frequent communication. When you communicate with your audience, you will build a relationship. This will also be a great example of how your business will be attentive and available for their needs! Drip emails will accompany each potential customer from your sales pipeline which includes processes like welcoming drips, onboarding processes, and even abandoned customer carts online. 
Another important aspect of drip marketing to remember is that these campaigns are targeted. This means that they are based off of a specific action performed by the potential or current customer. 
Drip marketing campaigns are also prewritten, automated, and on a preset schedule that responds to any website action for you. Drip campaigns are marketed for success, efficiency, and are very cost and time effective. 

If you would like to know more about Drip Marketing Campaigns and what they can do for your business, contact Stradigi today. Click here to act now!