The Top 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need To Be Found Online

October 18th, 2022

Are you taking advantage of online resources for your small business? Well,  whether you are a brand new business or an existing one with 15+ years, being found online helps your business generate success.

Because many small, local businesses don’t have a lot of resources or time for building an online presence, it can be difficult to get started. Although you might be anticipating a lot of time and work, it can actually be quite simple and effortless once you get things going such as your website and social media up and running. 

After the initial startup process, such as making a website, creating accounts and uploading information, all you will need to do over time is make periodic changes. These changes include updates such as hours and business location; upload content, and manage partnership opportunities with other businesses. 

After a few weeks of your information being published, you will start to build authority online, allowing your business to be ranked higher on Google, allowing you to move to the first page and be discovered faster, easier, and more commonly!

In short, being found online is vital for your business and its success. An online presence can and will make or break your business.. Especially small businesses. If you have a good online presence, you will enable new customers to find you, fill out the information needed to contact you for what they need, and book an appointment online with no complications.

To attract and retain customers, you will need a strong online presence. Listed below are some of the reasons that Stradigi Virtual Marketing believes that all businesses need to improve their digital presence.

The Why-


  1. A great benefit of an online presence is the constant accessibility for your potential and current customers. Having an online resource for your business allows your business to effortlessly answer any questions for your products or services, see your hours of operation, and compare you vs your competitors with one click. As long as you have fast loading web pages and an easily navigable website, you are on the right track. You should also have a Q&A (questions and answers) page on your website to answer any common questions for your products or services. This enables consumers to get answers to their questions with minimal effort and communication. Remember to  include the business phone number and contact email address for any questions not answered on the Q&A.
  2. In case you didn’t know, 38% of people will stop interacting with a poorly designed website, and 40% of people will leave a slow website! This means that if a potential customer goes to Google for their solution and finds your competitor and NOT you, you lose that customer. They will leave your website, and go bring their business to your competitors. Don’t let this be YOU!

Wider Audience

  1. Another benefit of having an online presence is the reach of audiences that you can reach, at any time. Even when your storefront is closed, your online presence will still be open. Yes, your online presence is open 24/7. Your online presence can help your business after hours by enabling current and potential customers to fill out an information form on your website, by having an online sale, or by having an appointment booked online. There are many other things that can be automated and self-running online at any time, however, these are some of the most common. This is great because you can also reach people who are unable to make it into your physical storefront for whatever reason. 

Brand Credibility And Trust

  1. When your business obtains and manages a website, social media accounts, and a blog, that gives your business credibility. Any way your business can gain credibility will allow you to rank higher on Google. (Unfamiliar with why you need to rank higher on Google? Click HERE for more information) 
  2. Since you have a great online presence and are reputable, you can then build public praise from your current clients or customers. Such as publicly available testimonials and reviews. This helps show potential customers that you are reputable and a great choice for their needs! 
  3. This is what creating band credibility and trust looks like - 


  1. Are you having a hard time finding a target audience in your local hometown? Well, no worries. Selling your products or services has never been easier than online. 
  2. Simply, an online presence enables an easy and effortless way for potential and current customers to look at pricing, business hours, and current brand promotions at ease. 
  3. Potential and current customers will be able to browse and purchase your solution through a click of a button, from anywhere, at any time. Once again, you don’t even have to be there to make this sale. It is done from thriving reviews and being found on the first Google Search Page. 
  4. Not only is this process easier and less hands-on, but it is now never-ending . Marketing your business online can come at a range of different price points. (Click here for more information)
  5. Your whole marketing strategy will go from mailing coupons, handing out flyers, and paying people to wave a sign, to then becoming free marketing online through social media and your blog. WOW!

Tracking Progress 

  1. Your business puts in many efforts to try and get their marketing on track and escalating with results; however, how do you track them?
  2. Well, an online presence allows you to track all of your marketing efforts. You track them by metrics. Social media accounts and your website allow you to see numeric proof and success over time. This allows you to see content and posts that work for your target market. If you post a blog and see a huge spike in website traffic, your website or marketing agency will show you and encourage you to move your marketing efforts forward from a perspective for those viewers. Which allows you to gain more website traffic over time. 

Now that we see why having and maintaining a digital presence is, it's time that we start making efforts to get there. Contact Stradigi today!